Social Justice Fair to spotlight environmental racism, justice

A graphic showing four hands forming a circle with a world map in the background.

宾州州立白兰地酒公司的社会公正, co-sponsored by Penn State Abington and Penn State World Campus, 3月28日是4月1日吗.


MEDIA, Pa. — Environmental racism and justice will be the focus of this year’s 社会公正公平 由宾州州立白兰地酒公司组织 伦理与公民参与中心 及学生事务处. 为期一周的一系列活动, 于3月28日至4月1日举行, will explore the global and local aspects of environmental racism and justice and includes interactive sessions with activists, 学生领袖, 说书人, 白兰地酒教授和公职人员.

宾大阿宾顿学生参与 & Leadership and Penn State World Campus Student Affairs are partners for the 社会公正公平, 其中包括各种各样的面对面交流, 混合和虚拟机会, 其中许多是对公众开放的.

“环境种族主义和正义影响着我们所有人. We have put together a week of programming with partners from across the University and region to help us examine how these issues intersect with our lives and communities and inspire us to take action,Vippy Yee说, the Rosenberg Director of Brandywine’s 伦理与公民参与中心.



11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.,学生会114-117 -换衣服. Students can do some free environmentally sustainable shopping. 白兰地酒 校园食品储藏室 has collected gently used clothing donations in a variety of sizes for men and women. 对bck体育官网的学生开放.

6点半到8点.m., Zoom — “Environmental Racism in Your Backyard: How it Affects You and How You Can End It.” 本次虚拟会议将由Mike Ewall主持, 能源正义网络的创始人和主管, a national network supporting grassroots resistance against dirty energy and waste facilities. Since 1994, he has been supporting and working to end environmental racism in Chester. 向公众开放. 注册要求.


10:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 有毒之旅:切斯特的环境种族主义. Kearni N. Warren of the Energy Justice Network will lead a bus tour of key sites subjected to environmental racism in Chester and describe the work that activists are pursuing to bring about justice. 向bck体育官网的学生、教职员工开放. A limited number of seats are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Email (电子邮件保护) to inquire.

中午至下午1:30.m.,托梅兹科酒廊-白兰地酒文学节. Penn State Laureate Shara McCallum will read from her work and students will read their own work during the open mic session. 此外,Penn In Hand奖的获奖者也将公布. McCallum, 她是第一位获得宾州州立大学桂冠的有色人种女性, 是六本诗集的作者吗. 向bck体育官网的学生、教职员工开放.

6点半到8点.m. ——《真正的代价.” 和我们一起来观看和讨论 《真实成本》(2015年,PG-13级,32亿美元). 这部纪录片是bck体育官网穿的衣服, 制作它们的人, and the impact the clothing industry is having on our world. 向公众开放. 注册要求.


As part of Bard College’s Worldwide Climate Justice Teach-In, 我们正在与数百所大学合作, colleges, elementary, 初中和高中, 世界各地的信仰组织 expanding the conversations about climate solutions and climate justice.

10:10 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.,学生会114-117 -宣讲会. 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 faculty will lead climate-justice-focused lectures and discussions throughout the day. A hybrid workshop on Sustainable Development Goals will be held over lunch. 向bck体育官网的学生、教职员工开放. 注册要求 虚拟出席.

  • 10:10 - 11.m.: 马克Boudreau, associate teaching professor of biology, “Channeling Your Inner Climate Activist”
  • 11:15 a.m. 到下午12:05.m.: 朱莉·斯坦顿,商业教授,“重新思考快时尚”
  • 12:05到2点.m. (lunch served): SDGs Launch — Action-Plan Development Workshop
  • 下午2:30到3:45.m.: 约书亚Marquit, associate teaching professor of psychology, “The Climate Crisis: A Social Science Perspective”

4 to 5 p.m., Zoom - PHENND学生行动工作坊. College students inspired to find climate solutions and work toward climate justice can connect with other like-minded college students throughout the Philadelphia region at this workshop in partnership with the Philadelphia Higher Education Network for Neighborhood Development (PHENND). 面向地区大学生开放. 注册要求.

6点半到8点.m., Zoom -讲故事:赢得气候叙事. 这个活动将以故事为特色, 气候觉醒的诗歌和歌曲, 可持续性, 和创造机遇. 参与者包括:

  • 谢默斯·麦克洛, award-winning journalist and author of “Betting the Farm on a Drought: Stories from the Front Lines of Climate Change”
  • Leah Mullen, composer, vocalist, and Penn State Schreyer Honors Scholar (music composition)
  • Todd Davis, Penn State Altoona professor of English and environmental studies and author of seven collections of poetry
  • 伊莎贝拉Briseno, 可持续性 advocate and Penn State student (environmental resource management, 政治科学)

This event is presented in partnership with the Penn State Sustainability Institute and Penn State Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing. 向公众开放. 注册要求.


中午至下午1时.m., Student Union Parsons Hall or Zoom — Spoken Word Artist: Carlos Andrés Gómez. 卡洛斯·安德雷萨斯Gómez是一位哥伦比亚裔美国诗人, speaker, actor, 股票和包容性策略师. 他著有《Fractures,” winner of the Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry; “Hijito,” winner of the Broken River Prize; and the memoir “男子气概:重塑现代男子气概.他的作品还包括HBO的《Def诗歌演奏会"和斯派克·李的"Inside Man.“对bck体育官网的学生、教职员工开放. 注册要求 虚拟出席.

6点半到8点.m., Zoom — Dialogue with Tykee James: Sustainability Forever. 泰基·詹姆斯是 国家奥杜邦协会 government affairs coordinator and co-organizer of the first 黑鸟周. He will lead a dialogue on how birders can play an essential role in constructing accessible and equitable outdoor spaces and stand in solidarity with those advocating for more expansive intersectional changes. 向公众开放. 注册要求.


12:05到1:20.m., Student Union 114-117 or Zoom — 宾西法尼亚 Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Patrick McDonnell. Join us for a lunch and conversation with Patrick McDonnell, secretary of the Pa. 自2016年起担任环境保护部主任. His career with DEP began in 1998 and he has served several roles with the Environmental Council of the States. 费城人, McDonnell received his master’s degree in political science from Lehigh University and his bachelor’s degree from DeSales University. 向公众开放. 注册要求 虚拟出席.

More information about the 社会公正公平 is available on the 伦理与公民参与中心网站. 如有任何问题,可向Yee (电子邮件保护).