

Kaitlyn Pio will graduate from 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 in May 2024 with a degree in business. 


主要: 业务

小: 供应链管理

毕业日期: 2024年5月4日

凯特琳·皮奥准备在5月4日毕业, she reflects on her time as a student at 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 and the unique experiences she had.

“I chose to attend 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 because I was able to save money while attending a school that’s close to home,”她说。. “I was also attracted to the welcoming environment 白兰地酒 has.”

Pio noted that she realized she wanted to attend 白兰地酒 after going on a tour of the campus.

“当我告诉狮子大使们的时候,我还没有决定, they told me that it’s OK and I’ll figure out what I want to do with time,”她说。. “I felt like other schools were pushing me to take up a certain area of study, while 白兰地酒 made me feel like I didn’t have to know exactly what I wanted to do the minute I got here. I also got that home-away-from-home feeling instantly.”

在她大三的时候, Pio decided to get involved with Residence Life as a resident assistant (RA) in Orchard Hall. She noted that becoming an RA was her transition into getting involved on campus.

“做助理律师教会了我很多东西. I’ve gotten to know so many people from all different walks of life and how we relate to one another. It’s been a very well-rounded experience,”她说。. “通过成为一名RA, I was able to learn that people cope in different ways, and it made me more aware of what other people go through.”

除了是一名RA, Pio also serves on the Student Initiated Fee committee and is the community service chair for the National Society for 领导 and Success (NSLS).

“My time in NSLS has really made me realize that every team works together differently, and I feel like that’s great insight for the field I want to go into,”她说。. “因为我想从事商业管理, my future career will revolve around managing other people, and it’s important to know that people and teams get work done in different ways. Some people need to be interactive, while others just need to do everything on paper, 例如.”

Pio notes that one of her greatest accomplishments during her time at 白兰地酒 was forming connections with her residents during her time as an RA.

“As an RA, my job is to have my residents’ backs, and I feel like they also have mine,”她说。. “I got pretty sick last semester, so I had to leave the residence hall for over a week. When I came back, the residents told me how much they missed me. I feel that knowing they care about me too is an achievement in itself.”

When reflecting on her favorite memory from her time at 白兰地酒, an event from the beginning of the spring semester of her fourth year came to mind.

“在这个学期开始的时候, 有一场疯狂的暴风雨, which resulted in a power outage in the residence hall. 因为没人能给手机充电, people went out into the hallway and talked to each other,她回忆道。.

“那天晚上我值班, 在我巡视的时候, 我看到很多人在互相交流. People were playing board games and card games with one another. 一旦恢复供电, 人们回到了他们的日常生活, but that night really showed me how great it is to not constantly be on our phones.”

五月毕业后, Pio will head to Penn State Great Valley to complete her master’s degree in business administration.

Students can learn so much by getting involved, and they can also have so much fun. Everything I got involved with has really stuck with me and has been really eye-opening.

—Kaitlyn Pio , fourth-year business major, 宾州州立大学白兰地酒

Being so involved in multiple activities on campus while having the goal in mind to graduate on time, Pio said the most valuable lesson she learned was to not be so hard on herself.

“The most valuable lesson I’ve learned is to be kind to myself. 我觉得总的来说, 每个人都有恩典, 唯一对你苛刻的人就是你自己,”她说。. “大多数时候知道这一点感觉很好, people are going to give you grace if you need a deadline extended, 例如, so it’s important to also give yourself that grace and know it’s okay to ask for that help.”

When advising future 白兰地酒 students, Pio said to get involved in as much as you can.

“Students can learn so much by getting involved, and they can also have so much fun,”她说。. “Everything I got involved with has really stuck with me and has been really eye-opening. 我知道大学应该是学学术的, but you can’t get through it without that support system you gain by getting involved.”